Saturday, June 30, 2007

Greetings to all. I have finally mastered the technique of making a slideshow. The few pics that you'll see in the slideshow are from the last 3 months, making me reach my ninth month mark (actually next week) I Can't believe its been 9 months already. What truly makes me happy is that my students (I work in a HS) all compliment me on my hair a lot more and always want to keep their fingers in my head to fill the locs. My co=worker has also decided to join the world of sisterlocks. She has seen my progress from day 1 and gave me my 1st compliment when I returned to work with the new due and she continues to compliment me on my hair everyweek. Seeing the progression of my hair is what made her say "Ok, I'm getting sisterlocks". Oh, its soooo nice to be an inspiration to someone else just like a lot of my fellow bloggers where an inspiration to me before I made up my mind. Enjoy the slideshow.



Chocolocs said...

Congratulations on the slideshow! You did a good job. I need help with posting links to other sisterlocs blogs, how did you do that?


Anonymous said...

Your locks are coming along nicely.

V @ Locks-N-Motion said...

Happy 9 months!

Maryee said...

Great job on your slideshow! Welcome to the Exchange.

ajewelle's brand new day.... said...

Hi..I like your slideshow. I've got to learn how to do one too. This is all so's so much more than a hairdo. I like your locs...and i can't wait until i can say mine are 9 months and growing...

Goodnapps said...

Very pretty!