Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hello to my fellow sisterloc-ers. It has been almost a year since my last post but I'm back today with updated pics. In about 3 weeks, my full, thick and healthy locs will be 3 years old. Hope you all enjoy the pics and to all the newbies, sit back & relax, your anniversary's are right around the corner (One thing that helped my when I first locked was to constantly take pictures to track my progression length, thickness, etc).

Jan 09 May 09 quick to go look w/ week old braid out & hat.

Below July 09. If you look closely, 5 of 7 women are loc'd. 3 SL's & 2 traditional, not bad!!!!!!

Taking yesterday (sept o9)

I LUV MY LOCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11